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Meet Our Healers


Our healers have been trained to offer the best possible care for our members. Whether it be spiritual healing or nature unity, they are well equipped to help you on your journey.


Dr. Joy Wu (founder)

The dramatic growth of insight on how medicine should be used and my understanding of the true function of doctors guide my spiritual growth on how to benefit the world and next generation. My spiritual growth and awakening come directly from observations of reality, human life, and the nature of disease. Practicing ancient wisdom and spiritualties in our modern daily lives are the true happiness of life.


  • Taoist Heaven-Human Unity Spiritual Teachings

  • Drug-Free Conscious Dying Education and Service

  • Astrology and Energy Level of Life Path

  • Finding Root Causes of Emotional and Spiritual Ailments

  • Spiritual Connection With Higher Self



Jane Leanne Thorne

Jane is a gifted apathy telepathic communicator with animal and human. Her personal power and energy can transform many sadness, depression into light. She has a great passion in helping and working with animals and humans through soul to soul communication and energy transformation, and in conscious natural dying process. She can help you to understand your animals better with her ability to connect telepathically to them.  


  • Animal Communication

  • Animal Conscious Dying

  • Traumatic Energy Healing

  • Human conscious natural dying

  • Healing Substance Addition



Lobsang Tsering

Lobsang has a multiple talents in arts and medicine. He wants to bring the ancient practice of Tibetan wellness to the modern world. Lobsang believes it is important to preserve the beauty of Tibetan culture as a true art of living, bringing body, mind, and soul into a natural balance through peace and happiness.


  • Emotional and Spiritual healing

  • Meditation for death and dying

  • Drug-Free Conscious Dying



Kim Scudder

Kim is a certified NCD Life Transition Doula with Heavenly Joy Institute. She has a masters in transpersonal psychology and 38 years of nursing experience working in geriatric, adult, and adolescent psychiatry. Kim feels passionate about supporting people through transitions across the developmental lifespan. She is a certified life transition and death doula in the Taoist tradition. Kim is a mother, grandmother and freelance writer.


  • Meditation for joyful living for all ages

  • Creating both church and home funerals, memorials, and celebration of life ceremonies

  • Bereavement facilitation

  • Death vigils, and end of life companioning



Sandi Rizzo

Sandi is a certified NCD Life Transition Doula with Heavenly Joy Institute. Sandi is a Certified Homeopath trained in the Bach Flowers from the International Association of Homeopathy and a Strozzi Institute Graduate of Somatic Coaching and Bodywork. She also holds a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work from C.W. Post College. Her passion is helping people resolve trauma utilizing the Bach Flower Remedies on a very deep level addressing the emotional/spiritual conflict component of dis-ease; in addition to utilizing the Strozzi Bodywork techniques to release constrictions and held energies that live in the neuromuscular level. Her Somatic Coaching involves working with and through the body to share skills which embody new behaviors and new actions and ways of being. Her hobby is researching health and wellness. Prior to beginning her practice she was a video producer for Reno Public Access Television featuring shows on natural healing, alternatives to drugs and surgery and health effects of vaccination and radiation in keeping with the theme of sustainable lifestyles and planetary wellness.



Heather Thompson, Ph.D.

Heather is a certified NCD Life Transition Doula with Heavenly Joy Institute. After receiving her baccalaureate degree in Education from the University of London, Heather traveled to India to observe the ancient culture and healing techniques.  She then came came to USA to study for her Masters and Doctorate in East-West Philosophy.

Her skills as a Doula have been honed by numerous hospice workshops with healers and founders of hospice organizations. For the last thirty years she has served as a Direct Care worker at different hospices throughout N.California.  She also serves currently as a Grief Care Counsellor.

For four years she sat on the Sacramento County Commission on Adult & Aging as a commissioner.  Concurrently, she served as a volunteer chaplain at CA State Prison, Folsom.