Leanne Thorne
Leanne’s Bio
As a young child I was always drawn to animals. I spent most of my waking hours with or around them. I lived to see Jane Goodall talk about Chimpanzees and Dian Fossey about the Mountain Gorilla’s. I dreamt of being in the mountain ranges watching Orangutan. Every movie that I wanted to see was about animals or people who worked with animal. It didn’t matter my life was consumed with wanting to be an advocate for animals. I lived in books and loved nature walks. While most of the people I knew hung out and talked about boys, I read. Books about otters, whales, horses or dogs were an endless source of entertainment for me, my dreams coming true. I worked at kennels and volunteered at the human society cleaning kennels just so I could eat my lunch with the dogs. Most of the ones I sat with were what was then called being "red tagged" so they could know they were loved. I help our local veterinarian build a horse skeleton we found that could be used for his practice. I worked for Greenpeace with dreams of saving the whales from complete extinction. I even worked as the otter tank cleaner at Marine World Africa USA because I thought otters were (and still do) the cutest animals on the planet.
The ability to connect to animal and human consciousness is a gift that I have cultivated and strengthened throughout my years. I have numerous memories of animals and humans alike, that came to me in distressed health or that had a short time left on the planet. I believed from an early age it was just the way it was and my “job” was to be there for whatever help might be needed. My time was spent nursing them back to health or just quietly allowing a peaceful and honorable transition into the afterlife. I noticed there was this “little voice” in my head that told me what to do and how the animal or person was going to be okay. I always felt peaceful and grief did not lasted long. As a young girl my two closest friends passed from Leukemia and I remember feeling “they are in a better place”. Their parents seemed at peace and I felt it too. I grew to know there is a better place and for them their lessons were learned, missions accomplished and lives completed on this planet but they would always be part of my soul journey.
As I grew older it seemed I became friends with people that had an earthiness to them. It was something unexplainable and peaceful despite life's challenges. They all had a willingness to connect to this weird person who, through her shyness, preferred to be alone with nature and her books. It seemed many of my friends passed during our friendships. Most from various forms of cancer. One particular friendship shared for over 20 years ended after she survived 4 bouts with cancer. When she called to tell me she had cancer again she added, the doctors said there was no treatment that could help. She said I didn't want to call you but I want you to be with me to be with her at the end. I couldn't help but remember the time I told her about all of the friends I had that died and I told her this confirmed there must be something wrong with me. She said I assure you that is not true. She said, and I paraphrase. God brought you to all of us. You are our path to heaven and without you coming into our lives we would have been alone struggling to make sure everyone else was okay. With you, when we leave the planet, there will be no struggle or fear. My friend pasted in 2004 and left me with a full heart and a clear awakening to “what is right with me”.
Animals and humans alike in transition need to cross with honor and peace. I believe this is my purpose on this planet and to humanity. With gratitude to all that have been part of my life lessons, I am now able to work in the field I have such a passion for. Animal communication and energy healing for both human and animal souls.
The story
After spending 30 plus years in the digital and broadband communications industry, Leanne moved back to Novato which allowed her to pursue her passion of helping and working with animals and humans through healing energy practices. This required shifting her focus towards her true passions, animal communication and energy healing.
Often animals and people came into her life with ailments of one type or another; sometimes physical sometimes emotional. Over the years she realized she had an ability to heal she just didn’t quite know how. There was a growing awareness that she was not just healing the spirit of animals; she was breaking away stuck energy of both animal and human hearts and minds. As an intense animal lover she found a spiritual connection when she could help others with their animals. Yet she did not pursue her healing path until there came a divine intervention; she was introduced to a teacher of animal communication and energy healing for animals, Joan Ranquet*. After the introduction to *Joan Ranquet of Communication With All Life University (CWALU in Santa Clarita, CA.). Leanne enrolled in her courses. These classes and workshops brought clarity to how she could work doing what she loved and not just dream about it. Learning how to strengthen the intuition and confirm her abilities help clarify the connection to beings. Seeing and understanding her abilities were real while working with like kind people she knew this was her destiny.
Through another divine encounter the opportunity to be of service to humanity at Heavenly Joy Institution with Dr. Joy T. Wu presented itself. Dr. Wu offered her a door of opportunity to strengthen her abilities. Dr. Wu allowed her to work towards strengthening her skills in human healing energy. Leanne’s life was open to even more validation to her future.
Gratitude and appreciation is expressed with the opportunity to be of service to help heal nature and humanity. Healing the soul is a gift from the Divine and with that, transforming healthy and spiritually balanced consciousness with animals and humans became a dedicated path.
Telepathy is connecting with beings thoughts and memories. This allows Leanne to communicate with past lives and present energy. Energy shifting comes with helping a soul reconnect with their unconscious thoughts. Waking up the memories to work through them in a “now” experience that is in a safe and loving environment.
Heal Human and Animal soul connection
Heal through human and animal soul connection and love. Incorporate self-healing to become one with the Divine’s plan for humanity. Healing people and animals souls that have become emotionally stuck lowering their vibration. Shifting stuck beliefs from past traumatic encounters to heal the soul. Clearing imbalanced energy to bring collective consciousness to all humanity, the planet and all souls that existence within them.
Healing Services
· Animal Communication: use of telepathy for sending and receiving pictures, words and feelings.
· Energy Healing: through meditative techniques, tapping into bio-scalar energy for healing.
· Traumatic Energy healing: Working through uncomfortable past memories, balance energetic response to positive energy.
· Conscious Dying: Healing beings to awaken the soul in transition or those who have crossed. Working through fear and grief to allow the soul to rise in spiritual consciousness.
Local Practice
Leanne also provides local healing services at Heavenly Joy Natural Health Clinic in Novato California. To learn more about seeing her in person, visit the clinic's website here.