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Spiritual & Emotional Healing

The process of spiritual and emotional cleansing and self-growth

“The nature of each individual’s soul is the root source of the emotional energy; the emotional energy is the root cause of diseases. (性为情本,情为病因。)”

In Taoist tradition, emotional energies caused diseases are considering the true diseases or health issues for human. The root of cause factors are human’s seven emotions, six toxins, and ten harms that each human life has to experience and grow out of them through spiritual wakening and practice.

Spiritual practice and soul wakening are the way to correct the root. An old saying is “Spiritual practice makes people to release the old embryos and change the bones.” What a great way of validation! This says that spiritual practice can change one’s DNA blueprint and have a rebirth. Today, modern science just stars to realize human is not just a physical body but have a soul with consciousness that exist after death.

Reincarnation and Karma force

Look at our lives, lots of moment we suffer emotional-spiritual stresses. You are wondering where they come from, why I have to react and feel this way. At the moment that you dislike the way you feel and act, that is a moment of spiritual wakening! How long this wakening last, depends on how much wakening one would like to have. to know how to resolve them.

If you believe in reincarnation, you could easily understand each human being may have many soul lives or hundred’s of soul lives on earth. Each life time, you may accumulate some karma with someone, or some other beings. In this life-time, these things (already becoming an energy form) being accumulated from the past lives, will start coming to you. It can be people or animals from the many past lives, they may make you feeling happy, joyfulness, or sad, depressed, anger, jealousy, fearfulness, or with the situations you felt being cheated, betrayed, abandoned, or being unfairly treated, abused, humiliated, or being lost or feeling scared. Or, there are many situations you could not get what you desired or expected, feeling disappointed, sad, mad, feeling lost.

How ordinary people react?

Being an ordinary people, not advanced spiritual beings, we would only directly react to the situations we felt like to react, and expressing our feelings toward the situation with our sadness, joy, anger, jealous, anxiety, fear, depression, and becoming destructive to the situation that not meet our desires. Any of theses strong reactions can create new karmic energies or relationships, or to deepen the past karmic relationship again. Thus, many people never be able to get out of their karma, and find negative things being repeated in their lives. They are ending up soul descending to a lower frequency state. These negative energy consume people’s correct Qi, protective Qi, and exhaust Shen Spirit energy, so the disease can enter to the body and cause diseases. Thus, these negative energy stores in the body and causing diseases an shorten people’s life.

Past life karmic energies

Past life karmic energies are carried by your souls. It makes people like or dislike things, being joyful or fearful to certain things. It can make people feeling depressed or anger without any reason in this life time. Past life karmic energies are the roots cause of people's spiritual and emotional disturbances.  It affects people’s health and appearance and physical energy and abilities.

One of the causing factor: If people dying unexpected or an unhealthy way without clearing up things or karma accumulated in the current lifetime, especially, some deep trauma and conflicts with someone, next life they would likely receive the consequences of these karma because he or she would carry on these energies left inside his or her consciousness.   

Solution: To transform, and release these energy, and transform self into positive karmic relationship, you need to come for search the healing. This healing includes physical healing, emotional healing and spiritual healing. You will experience a great transformation, and growth through these healings. People would learn their lessons and release karma. Many people can discover their spiritual gifts through this journey.

Please call or make an appointment now.

karmic relationship

Many people are in a karmic relationship this life time that is why there are so many fights within the relationships. Many will continue with their karmic lessons because they don’t know there is a better life to be. Only when people have spiritually waken, couples can seek their spiritual growth and transform their negative karma into a positive one.  

family karmic trees - grandparents’ karma

Spiritual disturbance, can be due past lives and family karmic trees, bring over to your current life.

To release your karmic lesson, receive wisdom to transform the karmic dark energy into positive and constructive energy, spiritual guidance is needed. And, it is a chance for you to realize your spiritual growth.

Solutions and health path

Can one change their life and fate? The answer is yes!

How? The answer is also simple, do self-less services to others first. Starting to accumulate good karma right now.


If you are brave enough to open up your wounds and allow it to heal, your transformation will be success. You can experience a great spiritual leap, and discover your spiritual path and gift, and so you can help others and accumulate your good karma, and good fortune.


Additional Services


Conscious Living & Dying

The healthy transition from the physical realm to the spiritual realm.

Longevity & Preventive Care

The art of conscious living with a healthy of spirit, mind and body.

Children Are The Future

Cultivate children's authentic human nature and living with simplicity and wisdom.

Consciousness Expansion

Spiritual practice, opening divinity within and cultivating gifted talents.


Human Nature Unity

Spiritual practice, opening divinity within and cultivating gifted talents.