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Weekly Saturday Spring QiGong Class-Spring Wood Element- Liver and Gall bladder

Date and Time: Every Saturday at 10:00 am- 11 am Pacific Time via Zoom

Description: This series of Qi Gong practice will follow the principle of the five elements and the seasonal changes to strengthen the internal organs. By connecting to the cosmic energy, physical body will be greatly benefited from these series of Qi Gong exercises, and achieve rejuvenation and regeneration of organs. Spring energy is wood element and corresponds to the liver and Gall Bladder organs. This 8-weeks QiGong exercise will focus on regeneration of liver and gallbladder's wood element, detox and regenerate the liver and gallbladder organs.

Price: Donation ($5 to $25/class) is highly recommended to support our educational program. 

Donate here using PayPal

 Also can mail to: Heavenly Joy Institute, 885-A Olive Ave. Novato, CA 94945

Zoom information:  

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Passcode: 059449
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